The Joy of Solving Puzzles

benefits of solve Nov 05, 2023

Janice from Team Solve has enjoyed solving puzzles on a regular basis for most of her life. And she has spent many years constructing puzzles of all kinds, shapes and sizes.  She puzzles !  

And now we know that science agrees because according to Daniel Bor, a research fellow at the University of Sussex in England, it’s because we take great pleasure in pattern-finding.  He says,

“Human brains have an extreme form of consciousness:  they’re ravenous for new innovative solutions to problems in the world, ravenous for optimizing our lives, for building pyramids of knowledge.  It’s about trying to solve novel or complex problems.  We have a mental space dedicated to complex problem solving.  What makes human consciousness unique is our ravenous appetite for these innovative lessons that help us solve these novel or complex problems.”

There’s a reason why puzzle solvers sometimes experience a need to keep attempting puzzles that are challenging.  Solving the puzzle gives our brain a natural desire to develop dopamine, a neurotransmitter, which is related to understanding rewards.  When the brain responds to tiny or massive breakthroughs -- like successfully completing the Solve Suduko --- production of neurotransmitters causes an increase in concentration, confidence and recollection.  That’s a good thing! 

Professor Bor goes on to say,

“Why do we love word puzzles and why are people addicted to Sudoku? That’s what a huge bit of the cortex is primed to do --- to spot patterns --- and once we spot them we can assimilate them into our pyramid of knowledge and build more layers of strategy, and knowing how to do that makes us incredibly successful at controlling the world.”

He explains the fun behind solving puzzles (and why Team Solve encourages a daily puzzle ritual):

“We get streams of pleasure when we find something that can really help us understand some deep pattern.  It sure feels good when you put in that last number (completing Solve Sudoku).”

Now we know the science behind why our Solve subscribers spend time grappling with problems like Solve Sudoku.   It’s about trying to solve novel or complex problems.  And why so many in the Solve community happily maintain a daily puzzle ritual.  Solving puzzles regularly may help you concentrate more easily, be focused and clear-minded through your day.  You can start, build or maintain your daily puzzle ritual with Team Solve.  


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